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1 佛德就是人的品德、性德和道德, 三者的結合。
Buddhist virtue is a combination of three elements: character, inner nature, and morality.
2 如孩子憶念母親一樣, 念念觀世音菩薩自然息滅貪瞋癡三毒。
Just as when a child thinks of their mother, to think of Guan Yin Bodhisattva naturally reduces the three poisons of greed, hatred and delusion.
3 從別人身上看到自己的影子,就是智慧; 從別人身上吸收教訓,就是智者。
To see a reflection of oneself in another person is wisdom; those who can draw lessons from the experiences of others are wise.
4 智慧, 就是什麼事情都能想辦法解決, 幽默平靜地去處理。
Wisdom is the ability to solve any problem, and to calmly go about resolving matters with a sense of humour.
5 修心修德就是一個覺悟, 覺是本性,悟是自己的正能量。
Cultivating the mind and virtue involves a kind of awakening and realisation. It is a person’s own nature that awakens them, and their own positive energy that makes them attain realisation.
6 用心觀照自己的毛病, 才能照見五蘊皆空,才能改毛病。
Only when a person uses their mind to reflect on their faults and shortcomings can they illuminate the emptiness of the five aggregates, and reform themselves.
7 放下即是解脫,解脫即是覺悟。
To let go is to liberate ourselves, and to liberate ourselves is to be enlightened.
8 只有不斷地洗滌自己的內心才能乾淨。
Only by ceaselessly scrubbing away defilements in their heart can a person become clean and pure.
9 自己知道自己的錯,叫進步; 自己知道錯,並能改正,叫覺悟; 自己知道錯,並能打開心扉地 去接受去改變,叫開悟。
To understand what one has done wrong is progress; to know that one is wrong and being willing to correct oneself is realisation; to know and accept that one is wrong and to show willingness to change oneself without reservation is spiritual awakening.
10 真正的佛菩薩在人間 不是受人家膜拜的, 而是遊走人間不停地救度眾生。 一個人是不是真正的佛菩薩, 只要看他的果。
True Buddhas and Bodhisattvas do not come to the human realm to be worshipped, but to constantly travel through the world and help sentient beings to awaken spiritually. Simply by observing their fruit of cultivation, it is possible to determine whether a person is a true Buddha or Bodhisattva.
11 修行人要知道: 命無常、壽無常、心無常。
Buddhist practitioners must understand that life is impermanent, longevity is impermanent, the mind is impermanent.
12 回憶是痛苦的, 哪一次回憶不是在痛苦自己呢?
Recalling the past is painful. When are memories not painful to revisit?